STREICHER kicks off another year of the Technical Workshop at Štěnovice Primary School

Skill, technical thinking, creativity – all of these can be taught and developed from a young age. STREICHER Plzeň understands this, and for many years, has been guiding the pupils of Štěnovice Primary School towards these skills through its technical workshop.

On Wednesday, 25th September, STREICHER kicked off another year of workshops. Under the supervision of STREICHER’s apprenticeship centre manager, Jan Marek, and his deputy, Radek Štych, the children create various objects and simple machines while learning to work with different materials and tools. During this process, they also have to think about the workflow, construction, as well as the functionality, appearance, and durability of the products they make.

Most importantly, they get the chance to see if they enjoy this type of work. If they do, it could be the first step on the path to a career in engineering. Graduates of the workshop may encounter STREICHER again later, this time as apprentices at the company’s training centre, where they complete their practical training.

The full capacity of the workshops shows that children really enjoy these activities and STREICHER demonstrates that companies can help inspire young people to pursue technical careers by sparking an interest in technology from an early age.